Have you been reading and studying leadership courses and yet still finding daily struggles in your career?
Reading and taking courses do not shed people from fears or limiting beliefs that block career advancement. It has been proven that these self-approaches are harder and not as successful as coaching in achieving the desired changes. Dal can help you find effective and lasting ways to increase your skills and improve your performance.
Individual Coaching
We all have our gifts and challenges in life. Dal assists people in having greater self-awareness, essential skill to any career advancement. With more than 10 years of experience guiding people, Dal helps clients in their journey of:
- Clarifying and adjusting professional and personal goals, because awareness is empowerment
- Developing new and reinforce effective management and leadership skills
- Increasing communication skills
- Balancing work and life
- Balancing work and parenting/family demands
- Expatriate and multiculturalism
- Increase self-confidence
- Decision-making
- Career advancement
- Behavior modification
- Manage career or life transitions
- Strength relationships
- Increasing life satisfaction
- Retirement
The work is carefully tailored to the clients’ needs and goals. Coaching is a collaborative effort between client and coach with mutual commitment, trust and respect.
Words will not tell you how well you would work with a coach. Contact Dal for finding out. Ask questions to certify weather you’ll feel comfortable in this coaching partnership. She will gladly spend half an hour to explore your matters and offer you a picture of who she is and how she can help. You will find an experienced, expert and caring coach to be at your service.
For therapy, see Adalgisa’s therapy website: adalgisaholtrop.com